Full calorie and macro breakdown unique to your goals and the phase that we are in, with extra resources for nutritional education and pre-counted recipes. You also have the opportunity to add a meal plan to take your nutrition to the next level.
Here you will discuss with me how the week has gone, if you have had any struggles or if there are any barriers we need to overcome. You’ll submit your pictures, weight and measurements and I will provide same-day feedback, with any necessary adjustments to keep progressing.
No more seeing a PT once a week and having to wait 6 days and 23 hours if you have a question. You’ll have access to my work phone, where you’ll be free to send any questions you might have and I will reply asap (during working hours Mon-Fri 9-6pm UK time).
Your own training program, based on your goals and current lifestyle. Home or gym, depending on your preference, that you can complete in your free time. You’ll be able to see pre-recorded videos for each exercise.
Where you will do your weekly check ins, see your programs and training sessions planned for the day and your calendar with each goal I have programmed for you. This will be your main hub to have each week organised and planned, so that you can seamlessy complete each task in one place.
You’ll have exclusive access to our Facebook community where you can post, support the other girls on the team and have access to any educational content or future challenges free of charge.
If you are ready to finally invest in yourself and start a journey towards the best version of you, please head below to pay for your first 4 weeks and I will be in touch ASAP to choose your start date.
I started working with Maddy in October and since then I have changed so much thanks to her! Not talking just about weight, shape, but especially about lifestyle and mindset!
She is very professional and competent. She is always helpful and available to explain the process and answer any question you may have!
She is also very supportive and she pushes and encourages you to reach your goals and beyond!
If you want to change your relationship with food and exercise and you’re ready to put in the work, she is the best coach you can ask for! Highly recommended!
– Roberta
If you’re considering getting Maddi as your PT/coach, then stop hesitating and DO IT. She is super friendly, understanding and educated on both exercise and nutrition, so you know her advice is based on facts. I started working with Maddi in the run up to my wedding and I have to say it was one of the best decision I’ve ever made. When I first met her, my goal was to lose fat and tone up for the wedding, we specifically worked on toning up my arms (because of the sleeveless wedding dress). We achieved way more than that in the course of approx 3.5 months, I finally managed to get into my ‘dream shape’ that I’ve been wanting to for years, learnt so much about how to feed myself properly and also how to maintain what we’ve achieved together. After the intense weight loss phase we’ve entered muscle building phase, during which Maddi made sure I’m being able to eat more, build muscle and gain very little fat. I’m now leaner and stronger than ever before and feel amazing. Note, I was quite active before I met Maddi and I’ve been dieting as well, however there was no consistency or structure to what I was doing (and sometimes it was just plain wrong), hence why the results only came after I’ve met her. Thank you for being the best PT, Maddi!
– Thuy
Cara Maddy non posso credere che sia già passato un anno e mezzo da quando abbiamo iniziato questo percorso insieme e non ti ringrazierò mai abbastanza per tutto il tuo supporto che mi hai dimostrato in questi mesi! Grazie mille per essere stata dal giorno zero la mia motivatrice e fan numero 1 e per aver reso la palestra un posto divertente e appassionante. Senza di te, non avrei mai scoperto quanto potesse essere bello costruire il corpo dei propri sogni. Sono davvero grata per tutte le sfide superate e le vittorie che abbiamo condiviso in questo lungo percorso. Grazie per avermi insegnato ad amare il mio corpo per quello che è, a non avere paura del cibo e a vedere la bilancia solo come un numero, non come un giudice da temere. Voglio augurarti tutto il successo e la felicità del mondo, sia nella tua vita privata che con il tuo business; sei una persona incredibile e soprattutto umana, e meriti solo il meglio. Spero che la vita ti ricambi con la stessa positività che hai portato nella mia <3 In bocca al lupo per tutto, e sono sicura che il nostro cammino si incrocerà ancora in futuro! <333
– Valeria
This year has been tough on many levels, and dealing with constant fatigue and pain due to fibromyalgia and endometriosis hasn’t always been easy, on top of the problems I have faced with my hormonal treatments. But, I have trained, and loved (almost!) every second of it. I have learned to love and forgive myself a bit more, to appreciate my body and what it can do, its strength and endurance, its awesomeness and incredible tenacity. To see the progresses and to have you by my side championing my wins has been an absolute accomplishment.
Your support has been perfect in every way! Your expertise and knowledge are second to none, and I always felt supported and championed by you throughout the process. I have trusted you completely and I can honestly say it has been the best decision of my life! You are a wonderful PT, nutritionist and human being, and I’m very grateful to have met you! You changed my life at a time where my body confidence was at a record low, and throughout all the challenges I have faced I’ve always felt your support and encouragement, thank you!
– Sara
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